Corporate Governance

We’re committed to maintaining good corporate governance that is aligned with the key principles of the QCA Code

The principles and policies of the QCA Code that support our medium- to long-term success

The Non-Executive Chairman is responsible for corporate governance and the overall leadership of the Board and ensuring its effectiveness. This policy is reviewed at least annually and was last reviewed on 29 April 2024.

CloudCoCo Group Plc. operates a business model and growth strategy that promotes the generation of shareholder value through the growth and retention of recurring revenue streams. The company promotes professionalism, openness, honesty and integrity between its customers, staff, shareholders and suppliers.


From Simon Duckworth
Non-Executive Chairman:


As a public company, we are focused on delivering value for both our shareholders and customers and have three goals that drive our business:

  • Deliver shareholder value
  • Provide high levels of customer satisfaction
  • Differentiate our service through expertise, innovation and successful execution of solutions


The purpose of the business is to generate shareholder value and help our customers achieve their business goals and objectives through the profitable delivery of IT and communication solutions to provide customers with exactly the right amount of technology and support that they need, ensuring that they only pay for what they receive.


The Company currently delivers IT and communication solutions to business customers by leveraging strong partnerships and a single operating platform established from the integration of several businesses. Our strategy is to:

  • Transform the way our customers use and pay for IT
  • Leverage our expertise to provide all customers with a corporate IT department experience
  • Lead our customers on their journey from on-premises to the cloud
  • Partner with the best public cloud and application providers
  • Cross-sell IT and telephony services to customers
  • Focus on growing our recurring revenues through organic growth
  • Develop and expand an innovative portfolio of solutions
  • Stay close to the customer, small enough to care and large enough to cope

Our approach with customers is built around a four-stage methodology:

  1. Stabilise
  2. Leverage
  3. Transform
  4. Innovate

CloudCoCo is committed to open communication with all its shareholders. The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer are primarily responsible for investor relations.

The Company values the views of its shareholders and recognises their interest in the Group’s strategy and performance, Board membership and quality of management. The Company believes it is important to explain business developments and financial results to its shareholders, to understand shareholder concerns, and to ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to ensure a balanced understanding of the issues and concerns of major shareholders.

The principal method of communication with private investors is via the Company’s Annual Report and Accounts, Interim Reports, the Annual General Meeting and other relevant announcements that are maintained on the Group’s investor website, As appropriate, business-related announcements may also be published there if the Group considers them to be of significant interest to shareholders. The Company promotes the activities and services of the group through regular updates via social media.

Shareholders are given the opportunity to raise questions at the Annual General Meeting and the Directors are available both before and after the meeting for further discussion with shareholders. The Annual General Meeting is used to communicate with all shareholder and investor groups, and they are encouraged to participate. The Chairs of the Audit and Remuneration Committees are available to answer questions. Separate resolutions are proposed on each issue so that they can be given proper consideration, and there are resolutions to receive the Annual Report and Accounts and the report on Directors’ remuneration. The Company counts all proxy votes and will indicate the level of proxies lodged on each resolution, after it has been dealt with by a show of hands.

The Non-Executive Chairman is primarily responsible for investor relations.

Shareholders are given the opportunity to raise questions at the Annual General Meeting and the Directors are available both before and after the meeting for further discussion with shareholders. The Board receives share register analysis reports to monitor the Company’s shareholder base and help identify the types of investors on the register.

Meetings are offered to major institutional shareholders to discuss strategy, financial performance and investment activity immediately after the full year and interim results announcements. The Non-Executive Directors are available to meet with major shareholders if such meetings are required. Feedback from such meetings with shareholders is provided to the Board to ensure that the Directors have a balanced understanding of the issues and concerns of major shareholders. The Board receives share register analysis reports to monitor the Company's shareholder base and help identify the types of investors on the register.

The Company regards its shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, advisors and others as the wider stakeholder group.

Management prioritises its relationships with customers and staff and effort is directed to ensuring they are managed appropriately. Regular reviews are undertaken to ensure any issues are addressed promptly.

The Company records and regularly reviews customer service levels. There is a feedback system in place representing customer success, the results of which are measured and acted upon to ensure the drive for constant improvement is met.

The Company’s internal stakeholders are its employees. The Group is committed to employment policies which follow best practice, based on equal opportunities for all employees, irrespective of sex, gender reassignment, race, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy and/or maternity, marital or civil partner status, religion or belief or age.

Employee involvement in the Group is encouraged, as achieving a common awareness on the part of all employees of the financial and economic factors affecting the Group plays a major role in maintaining good relations with them. Employees receive regular updates from the Chief Executive Officer on the Company’s progress and new initiatives via monthly staff updates and regular town hall meetings, which offers an opportunity for them to raise queries or issues. Employees are also surveyed on a regular basis to measure satisfaction and solicit feedback to improve the business.

As a result of feedback received during the year we have increased the availability of online training resources to staff members and offer personal development sessions to employees to help identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals for their professional growth, and create a roadmap for achieving those goals.

The Board has established a risk register relating to the Company’s business. At least annually, it meets to consider the appropriateness of the risks identified and the mitigating action taken by management on a risk-by-risk basis focusing on those deemed most critical. The Company has ISO9001 and ISO27001 procedures in place and regularly manages and updates a Quality Management System to manage risks by providing a standardised framework for managing processes, identifying potential risks, implementing controls to mitigate risks, encouraging continuous improvement, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

For further details of the Company’s approach to risk and its management, please refer to the Risk Management and Principal Risks section of the Strategic Report and the Corporate Governance section of the Annual Report and Accounts.

The Board has also set out a policy defining the Group’s compliance, procedures and position regarding the prevention of the facilitation of tax evasion as defined by the Criminal Finances Act 2017.

The size of the board is currently under review and there are a number of vacancies to be filled. Each non-executive director is expected to devote a minimum of one day per month to the Company's business plus any additional time which may be required to fulfill their duties.

The Chairman leads the meetings of the board and acts in a conciliatory role when members of the Board differ. The Board directs the Group’s activities in an effective manner through regular monthly board meetings and monitors performance through timely and relevant reporting procedures which enable risks to be assessed and managed. During this financial year, 12 monthly board meetings were held with all Directors then in office present in person or via conference call.

Operational management of the Group is delegated to the Senior Management Team, who meet regularly with the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer to review current business performance, sales activity, operational projects, customer service, human resourcing matters and other day to day activities.

Detailed Board packs include information on all revenue streams and financial performance and are circulated ahead of Board meetings. Key issues are highlighted and explained, providing Board members with sufficient information to enable a relevant discussion in the Board meeting. The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer attend the Company’s senior management meetings and update the Board accordingly on any issues and developments.

The Board members and their relevant experience and skills are detailed on the Company website. The Non-Executive Chairman believes that, as a whole, the Board has a suitable mix of skills and competencies covering all essential disciplines bringing a balanced perspective that is beneficial both strategically and operationally and will enable the Company to deliver its strategy.

The Board consists of two executive directors and three non-executive directors, of whom Simon Duckworth is independent. The nature of the Company’s business requires the Directors to keep their skillset up to date by attending seminars, conference and industry events. Directors seek feedback from their colleagues, employees, and other stakeholders in addition to reading industry publications and networking.

In addition to the support provided by the Company’s retained professional advisers (Nominated Advisor, lawyers, auditor and M&A advisor), external consultants have been engaged when needed to advise on any relevant matters.

External advisers attend Board meetings or committee meetings as invited by the Non-Executive Chairman to report and/or discuss specific matters relevant to the Company.

Departure from the code:

The Group recognises that since Tom Black stood down at the Annual General Meeting in March 2020, that there have not been two independent directors. However, with an experienced independent Chairman supported, where needed, by retained professional advisors, it is considered the current composition of the Board is appropriate.

Board performance effectiveness process:

The Chairman is responsible for the regular evaluation of the Board’s performance and that of its committees and individual Directors.

Board meetings are collaborative and inclusive environments where members are encouraged to participate in the meeting by asking questions, sharing opinions, challenging others and providing input. Board effectiveness is discussed and feedback is considered during regular monthly board-meetings across a number of parameters including:

  • Setting, guiding and monitoring group strategy
  • Standard of internal reporting
  • Channels of communication
  • Support of management with appropriate challenge
  • Structure and effectiveness of meetings
  • Appropriate use of external advisors
  • Quality debate and appropriate preparation
  • Compliance with governance, legislation and regulation
  • Focus on future vs past
  • Skills of board members

The Board intend to carry out further internal evaluations during 2024.

Succession planning and Board appointments

The Remuneration Committee meets as and when necessary to consider the appointment of new executive and non-executive directors, although the Board as a whole takes responsibility for succession planning. Board members all have appropriate notice periods so that if a Board member indicates his/her intention to step down, there is sufficient time to appoint a replacement, whether internal or external.

Each director is required to offer themselves for re-election at least once every three years as per the Company’s Articles of Association. Board appointments are made after consultation with advisers including the Nominated Adviser who undertakes due diligence on all new potential Board candidates.

The Board recognises that core values provide a framework that influences every level of the Company. Under guidance from the Board, The Chief Executive Officer takes the lead in developing and promoting the corporate culture and ensures that employees understand the business values and behaviours required to ensure that we perform as one team to deliver our business goals and maintain good employee relations. Our values and behaviours are communicated to all employees throughout the year via its intranet and a series of company-wide meetings and briefings. Employee engagement and consultation is encouraged through surveys, polls and by providing feedback from colleagues and customers instantaneously. Our core values are reinforced regularly through various means, such as recognition, rewards, and promotions. Employees who exemplify the core values are acknowledged and celebrated. The senior management team are encouraged to lead by example and to demonstrate the core values when making decisions. Qualifying employees are also awarded incentive based share options.

The Company’s environmental and health and safety policies are as follows:

Environmental policy

The Group acknowledges the importance of environmental matters and, where possible, uses environmentally friendly policies in its offices, such as recycling and energy-efficient practices.

Health and safety

The Group aims to provide and maintain a safe working environment for all colleagues and visitors to its premises, and to comply with all relevant UK health and safety legislation. Health and safety matters are delegated to representatives within the business, who can raise any issues arising via a number of means, including the corporate risk register, whose highest-rated risks are reviewed periodically by the Board.

On behalf of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer has overall responsibility for managing the day to day operations of the Company and the Board as a whole is responsible for monitoring performance against the Company’s goals and objectives. The individual Board members’ specific responsibilities, contributions and skills are set out on the Company website.

The Board has established two standing Committees, the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee. A nominations committee would be established should it be required. Simon Duckworth is Chair of the Remuneration Committee and interim Chair of the Audit Committee. Terms of reference for the Committees are available on the Company’s website.

Departure from the code:

The Group recognises that since Tom Black stood down at the Annual General Meeting in March 2020, that there have not been two independent directors in terms of the composition of its Board and Committees. However, the Chair of each Committee is considered experienced and capable of ensuring proper governance is maintained.

The Company maintains a regular dialogue with stakeholders including shareholders to enable interested parties to make informed decisions about the Group and its performance.

Historical annual reports and notices of general meetings can be found in the Financial Reports section of the Group's website.

The Board discloses the results of Annual General Meetings and these can be found in the Regulatory News section of the website. The Audit Committee meets at least twice a year, although the Company’s Auditors or any member of the Audit Committee may request a meeting at any time, should they consider that one is necessary. The role of the Audit Committee is to make recommendations to the directors and shareholders, in relation to the appointment, re-appointment and removal of the Company’s Auditors and to approve their remuneration and terms of engagement. Prior to the commencement of each annual or interim audit, the Audit Committee will discuss and agree the nature and scope of the audit with the Auditors and in discussion with them, will monitor the integrity of the financial statements of the Group and approve any formal announcements relating to the Company’s financial performance.

The Audit Committee develops and implements policies on the engagement of the Auditors to supply non-audit services and will report to the Directors, identifying any matters where the Audit Committee considers that action or improvement is needed, making recommendations as to the steps to be taken.

The Audit Committee is authorised by the Board to investigate any activity within its terms of reference and may seek information it requires from any employee of the Company. The Audit Committee may seek outside professional advice at the cost of the Company, in order to secure any relevant experience or expertise it considers necessary to fulfil its duties. The terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee and its report can be found below.

The roles and responsibilities of the committees supporting the Board are set out in the Corporate Governance section of the Annual Report and Accounts.

Board Terms of Reference


Audit Committee Terms of Reference


Nomination Committee Terms of Reference


Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference


Monitoring under Criminal Finances Act 2017


Article of Association Terms of Reference

