Experts have warned that the current cyber security landscape in the UK is dire, with the most recent annual report from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) — part of GCHQ — stating that the nation’s critical infrastructure is under ‘enduring and significant’ threat.
These attacks come from increasingly sophisticated cyber criminal groups, including state-aligned factions and terrorist cells among others. The impact of a successful incident is far-reaching, from costly recovery to potential forced closure — something every company must look to avoid.
But how can businesses further bolster their cyber security controls in an ever-changing landscape?
Looking to provide further support, in 2021 the NCSC launched a groundbreaking service titled Early Warning — aimed at providing early alerts to UK organisations in relation to potential cyber threats.
The system takes in information from feeds populated by the nation’s cyber security researchers and professionals, and cross checks the data against IP addresses and domains uploaded, to notify of any potential compromises, abuse, or vulnerabilities.
Businesses that take advantage of the service see five key benefits:
- Early notification of the presence of any malware affecting your network, as well as any vulnerabilities present, so that you can take action before any bigger issues arise.
- Raised awareness of the cyber threat landscape through the understanding of low-grade incidents.
- Boosted confidence in the security of your network, and enhanced peace of mind.
- No costs involved, only time and effort — something that CloudCoCo is happy to facilitate free of charge.
We’ve put together a detailed information pack, outlining how the service works in more detail, and what steps companies can take to get their data uploaded to fully take advantage of this extra layer of security — download this resource today to get started.
Request a free information pack here.
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