Keep your IT end-points secure with our proven security solutions
The need to protect corporate endpoints has significantly increased in today’s business environment as the endpoint threats have risen dramatically here in the UK. End point protection is more important now than ever before.
Gone are those days when all we had to worry about was just the viruses and malware.
Securing your data and end points require you to deal regularly with update patches, USB drives, protection against more hazardous viruses and malware, Ransomware and Phishing which may contain rootkits.
Having the right end point protection means you're preventing malicious un-authorized programs, and other threats relating to remote endpoints such as credible hijacking.
Have a look at our service about Penetration Testing where we will proactively search to find any weaknesses or potential threats in your IT infrastructure.
What makes the situation more complicated is the increasing mobility of endpoint devices. Everyone is on the go, which brings about the requirement for a necessary security strategy to keep devices taken outside of your office network locked down, thus protecting data and un-authorized company access.
Just as there is an increase in security threats, the number of endpoint security applications and software has also increased to help prevent them.
It is quite common for many enterprise PCs to run different antivirus, anti-spyware, desktop firewall, and file encryption software.
However, how does this translate into the security of a business? At CloudCoCo we have a UK leading team of end point protection experts and engineers to help steer you through this process.
Many businesses find that although a single console manages these security components, there needs to be a multi-agent approach which can take time and proves expensive and difficult to maintain.
This emphasizes the need for the right security framework technology to make undefined, centralized and completed end point protection that can serve and secure your business data once and for all.
End-point protection is one of the most discussed components of data protection. It is aimed to keep end points safe from malicious hackers and attackers over a long period of time.
End Point protection can be summed as the local software running on your company devices which aims to protect the device and data held on it from multiple threats.
Devices may include laptops, desktops, and other mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, servers, and workstations.
They are one of the most vulnerable spots within a business that are frequently targeted by malicious cyber criminals.
CloudCoCo are a top UK Cyber security firm able to help you prevent such attacks.
Businesses use antivirus software to provide security for end points, but hackers have become more advanced, so more sophisticated software are needed, which is where we come in.
Proper endpoint protection must provide security for the endpoint from DDos attacks, malware, Ransomware and much more.
With adequate endpoint protection, you can secure your business networks and devices, data storage systems, vendors of your organization and colleagues that prefer working remotely, etc.
To provide your organization with quality endpoint security, you need to understand the data that needs to be protected.
You also need to detect sensitive information and the individuals that has access that data.
Reviewing staff access to this data is essential. After implementing the right solution for the endpoint in your network, it is advisable to regularly check your protection precautions and ensure that your company network security is up to date. Alternatively, services like our Security Operation Centre (SOC) can oversee and manage your security for you.
Large Corporates and Businesses implement several high security measures to protect their central servers vital for the company’s operations and stability.
Endpoint protection has advance greatly over recent years from the original (very limited) anti virus software.
There are far more advanced levels of defense that every large corporate business must have in place.
Any gap or flaw in security can lead to the loss of essential data from the server and potential reputational damage and large fines from the likes of the ICO.
To reduce the likelihood of data loss, corporations need to understand several measures of protecting their endpoint and any device attached to the corporate network.
As technology advances, many employees prefer working remotely on mobile devices and offsite devices.
Because of this, sensitive information within an organization will have greater exposure and higher risk daily.
If you don’t invest in proper endpoint protection, there is the likelihood that your data will be breached.
Endpoint protection services are an essential part of enterprise cybersecurity for many reasons. In today’s business, for instance, data is a highly valuable asset that cannot be compromised.
Losing data or access to information will put your business at risk. Greater risk comes to businesses where there is a growing number of endpoints and the rise in the various types of endpoints.
This makes security more difficult, but they are compounded by Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies and remote working makes perimeter security increasingly insufficient and therefore creates further vulnerabilities.
On the other hand, hackers always develop new ways to gain access, manipulate employees to give out sensitive information (Phishing and Smishing), or just blatantly steal data.
It’s easy to understand why endpoint protection services has become very important in securing with modern day businesses.
Endpoint protection as we have mentioned is the securing down of company information and assets effectively managing device connections and software that enforces IT security policies.
Having the right endpoint security will deliver much more than protecting corporate devices from cyber threats. IT administrators use it for many operational functions and data backup strategies.
The software application controls data loss across servers, storage devices, exchange servers, gateways, and workstations. The CloudCoCo security software also serves in reporting functions for operational control.
Our management features of endpoint security software will ensure deployment with ease. Security distribution capabilities across the infrastructure within a corporate system network are automatic and will provide the IT administrator with centralized control over the remote devices.
Endpoint protection synchronizes security updates across the end point so that the new applications are updated and sourced automatically.
Many businesses now rely on data-driven strategy for management operation. Because of this, data loss protection is now a priority for every IT security strategy.
Therefore, companies can block files transmitted through internet uploads, instant chats, and email access points.
Don’t be caught out by thinking that encrypted data is safe from malicious threats, encrypted data can be encrypted multiple times, in effect, still blocking your access.
Enterprise resources planning is part of the endpoint protection strategy.
Its effectiveness in security compared to other security solutions indicates that endpoint protection saves cost in controlling data loss, installations and updates.
Endpoint security solutions will outperform IT security options when the administrators and client users measure the adoption rate and are tailored to the specific needs of a company’s unique operation. This will require additional backups in order to meet requirements.